This is a bittersweet day for me, now that my own father has passed away, as well as my husband.
It just feels odd. I miss them both terribly.
But instead of concentrating on loss, I am focusing on life. And what better way to do that than to be working on my back garden? If I keep working on it, in a few years it will be an ultra-inviting place to be.
I started by putting bricks around my fire pit. Because I really do love my fire pit.
I cleared away all of the firewood that was stacked along the back fence, with the help of a friend, of course, and then I stacked up some brick there as well, making a flower bed. It is a very modest flower bed right now, but once all of the plants are established, it will be very beautiful.
I also moved the tool crib to the corner of the yard. I like that silly thing. No one else has one in their yard, and I think it adds personality.
And I couldn't help myself. I had to stain a big old K on the tool crib.
Now if only the grass seed would germinate where it is supposed to and fill in the bald spots in the yard that were created by wood being stacked there for years.
Time. That is all we need now. I'm done spending money on it this year.
Next year, I will dive in and work on the other corner by my garage. I know what I want that to look like, and it's going to take a good $500. I already put enough into it this year. That corner will wait.
For now, I'm just going to enjoy what I have created. It is so nice to sit out there and let the world pass by.