Friday, January 16, 2009

It's never too late for resolutions

With our computer crashed for 2 weeks, I didn't really get the chance to ring in the new year online.

Unlike last year where I set only a few goals other than reaching 2009, I have several to meet this year.

#1 of course is to get back down to a size 10 again. I felt so much better being thin.
It sucks waking up having stiff joints, and I think losing the weight will help this a lot!

#2 is to do something really cool sometime this year - like saving up my quit smoking money
and go on a mini vacation - even if it's just staying for a weekend at a swanky hotel in Appleton and catching a show at the PAC, and then wandering around College Ave shopping for a day. Hopefully Hubby's mother would be willing to take the kid for a weekend.

#3 is to pamper myself a little more this year in ways other than comfort food.

#4 is to pay off more debts.

#5 is to finish Jerry's Room this year. I've started... but it's waiting for my attention (and some extra cash which is a little tight right now).

#6 which really ought to be moved up to number one, is to be there for my Sister Barb and get her through this tough time.

All of these are reachable. I just need to stay focused.

So, what are your goals for 2009?

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