And since then, it has almost become an obsession for me to find just the right one.

The Cripple Creek Red Jacket is very cute, and would probably look okay on a fluffy person like me because it has a flair at the bottom.

The Scully Jacket is way cute! It doesn't scream "Wisconsin Winter" but it could be worn indoors with a cute sweater. And it is less than $200!

The Frozieri Red Leather Jacket is so cute they didn't even use a model for it.
But of course it is the most expensive one I have found, well over a grand!
So I am just going to tell myself that I would look fat in it and let it go....
This obsession has lasted about a month. If it persists, I may need to act on it.
That is the frugality in me speaking. Of course I don't NEED a Red Leather Jacket.
Heck, I just ordered myself a new jacket as a Gift from Hubby (He has no idea he has such great taste!). I can't post a picture of it here because the site I got it from has an adjustable picture of it that I can't simply copy - and on my lap top, the "print screen + shift key" does not work as a copy- screen feature (I could cry! I use that all the time on a normal computer!). So I certainly don't need a red jacket as well. But sometimes a gal just needs to go with her instincts ... if they last long enough.