Sunday, January 29, 2012

Alcohol Induced Ideas

Yay! I got out tonight among the grown up population!
I went to see my brother-in-Law's band play tonight.
And that is a good thing! You see, I don't think like your average woman. I think like
a guy. Or maybe a business woman.
Thing is, they were their usual awesome selves. But they were breaking in a new sound guy who SUCKED!!!!!!
And it occurres to me that I have a tax refund coming. And what better way to spend it than on sound equipment? I have a friend who would be AMAZING at doing sound. If I bought the equipment, I would need a cut from each gig to help pay off the equipment... dang! This is a fabulous idea!!!!!! I'm gonna go with it!

I had a discussion with Hubby tonight about this as well. I thanked him for whispering in my ear and for giving me the ability to be able to do this. He is always on my mind and will help to make this venture a success!

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